Batata Mlaffahah Bez-Zeit, consists of potatoes and onion, cooked together in olive oil. Served as main dish.
Let’s make Batata Mlaffahah Bez-Zeit:
Batata Mlaffahah Bez-Zeit, consists of potatoes and onion, cooked together in olive oil. Served as main dish.
Let’s make Batata Mlaffahah Bez-Zeit:
‘Abaqou is simple dish, consists of vegetable marrows, tomatoes, crushed garlic, and dried mint, cooked together in ghee. Served as main dish.
Let’s make A’baqou:
Today’s post is about Nammourah or it has another name which is Hrisseh. Nammourah is sweet semolina cake prepared from (semolina, sugar, baking powder, ghee and milk) and sugar syrup is added to it, very easy and delicious.
Let’s make Nammourah:
Dibs Ar-Remman “Pomegranate molasses” is one of those precious ingredients in Syrian cuisine. It is pomegranate juice “from a tart variety of pomegranate” that is boiled down and reduced to a thick, dark syrup.
Let’s make Dibs Ar-Remman: