Archive for 2009

Kousa Mtabbaq

June 5th, 2009

Dimah - - Kousa Mtabaq 6

Kousa Mtabbaq is a dish form Hama, Syria. It is full of flavors, the main ingredient is vegetable marrow (marrow squash) fried in vegetable ghee, then cooked with meat, garlic, dried mint, pomegranate molasses, and tahini, then served with rice.

Let’s make Kousa Mtabbaq:


Chicken Luncheon Meat

June 3rd, 2009

Dimah - - Chicken Luncheon Meat 2

Do you eat canned meat?

This question was asked by my professor in organic chemistry lecture, everyone answered: yes, sometimes (in cooking meat is fresh, but sometimes we buy canned luncheon), and he said: it is better to stop eating canned meat, because it can cause cancers due to nitrites, and it is high in sodium.

I want to make chicken luncheon meat at home, not only because of cancer, but I don’t trust companies that make canned meat and my reasons are:

1.Perhaps companies make chicken luncheon from chicken meat, bones and skins (have you watched Jamie Oliver in “Jamie’s School Dinner”, he said that chicken nuggets are made from chicken bones and skins, yuck!).

2. Or they make it from chicken and beef (oh, I hate beef, but I like lamb).

3. Or they make it from chicken and pork. Pork and its derivatives are not Halal for Muslims, (some luncheon products are Halal certified).

So homemade is the best!

Let’s make Chicken Luncheon Meat:


Salatet Batata Meqliyeh

May 29th, 2009

Dimah - - Potato Salad 2

To my brother:

You know that I love Real Madrid, at the same time I’m a good sister and I will celebrate with you :

Yay! Barcelona won the champions league!

Hard luck Manchester!

Now, the recipe

This is an easy salad, and wait a second, my mom invented this salad, all rights reserved!

Salatet Batata Meqliyeh means fried potato salad. It is delicious with chicken skewers, or meat Kebab. There are no measurements of ingredients, I leave that up to you.

Let’s make Salatet Batata Meqliyeh:


Kousa Bi-Zeit Az-Zeitoun

May 18th, 2009

Dimah - - Kousa Bez-Zeit 2

Syrians love olive oil, we use it in many dishes, and kousa Bez-Zeit is one of them. It consists of vegetable marrow (marrow squash), cooked in olive oil, garlic, dried mint, sweet paprika, salt and water. Just simple, easy and delicious. Kousa means vegetable marrow and Zeit means oil. This can be served for lunch, dinner and as a snack.

I remember in an interview with president Dr.Bashar, one of the questions was “What is your favorite Syrian food?” and he replied “Foods prepared with olive oil”.

Let’s make Kousa Bez-Zeit:



May 15th, 2009

Dimah - - Ozee 91

Ouzi is a luxury dish from Damascus, Syria. The preparation of Ouzi requires some effort and time, but the end result is truly delicious. Ouzi is one of the most important dishes in Damascus, served at weddings.

To prepare Ouzi, you need the dough which is ‘Ajineh Mwarraqah, and the filling.

Let’s make Ouzi:
