Archive for 2009

Kibbeh Naiyeh Bes-Samneh

September 4th, 2009

Dimah - - Kibbeh Naiyeh Bes-Samneh 95

Kibbeh Naiyeh means raw kibbeh, it consists of minced raw meat mixed with bulgur and spices. Kibbeh Naiyeh Bes-samneh means raw kibbeh with ghee and doesn’t have meat. It is a creation belongs to Hama, served as appetizer. It is made with bulgur, ghee, onion, parsley, walnuts, and spice.

Let’s make Kibbeh Naiyeh Bes-Samneh:


Apple Cinnamon Muffins

August 24th, 2009

Dimah - - Apple Cinnamon Muffins 3

Let’s make Apple Cinnamon Muffins: (more…)

Ramadan Kareem – 2009

August 20th, 2009

Dimah - - Ramadan kareem

Welcome Ramadan
Walk humbly
Talk politely
Dress neatly
Treat kindly
Pray attentively
Donate generously
May ALLAH bless and protect you…

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Musakhan Spring Rolls

August 19th, 2009

Dimah - Musakhan Spring Rolls 5

Musakhan is a Palestinian dish. It is composed of chicken cooked with onions, sumac, olive oil and fried pine nuts atop one or more taboon breads. I used chicken, onion, sumac and olive oil as a filling and wrapped it in spring roll wrappers.

Let’s make Musakhan Spring Rolls:


Pistachio and Orange Blossom Water Madeleines

June 12th, 2009


Madeleines are little cake like cookies that are baked in special molds that give them a delicate shell shape. Orange blossom water is often a secret ingredient in French madeleines. These pistachio and orange blossom water madeleines are my preferred flavor combination when it comes to these delicate French cakes.

Let’s make Pistachio and Orange Blossom Water Madeleine:
