Archive for April, 2009

Sambousek Mwarraq

April 8th, 2009

The recipe for this dish is made using “‘Ajineh Mwarraqah“. “Sambousek Mwarraq” is pastry stuffed with meat. It is a specialty of Hama.

Let’s make Sambousek Mwarraq:


‘Esh Al-Bulbul

April 1st, 2009

The recipe for this dish is made using “‘Ajineh Mwarraqah“. “‘Esh Al-Bulbul” means “Bulbul’s nest” (Nightingale’s Nest), the shape is similar to the nest of the Nightingale, click here to see the picture of the dish vs the real nest. ‘Esh Al-Bulbul is one of the most important dishes in most celebrations. It is a specialty of Hama and Aleppo.

Let’s make ‘Esh Al-Bulbul:
